namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Register extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $key = security\Security::get_post_parameter("key");
      $username = security\Security::get_post_parameter("username");
      $email = security\Security::get_post_parameter("email_address");
      $join = security\Security::get_post_parameter("join");
      $markup = new html\Div("heading", null, $GLOBALS["REGISTRATION_HEADING"]);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["NEW_USER_NAME_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("username", "text", $username);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["NEW_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["REENTER_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["EMAIL_ADDRESS_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("email_address", "text", $email);
      $markup .= new html\Checkbox("join", 1, "join", $join);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["MAILING_LIST_PROMPT"], "join");
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "action", "submit", $GLOBALS["REGISTER_BUTTON_TEXT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("key", "hidden", $key);
      return $markup;
   private function build_prompt($content, $id=null)
      return new html\Div($id, "prompt", $content);
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Activate extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $markup = new html\Input("key", "text", "key", "field", true);
      $markup .= new html\Input("action", "submit", $text, "button");
      $markup .= $this->build_hidden_fields();
      return $markup;
   private function build_hidden_fields()
      $username = security\Security::get_post_parameter("username");
      $email = security\Security::get_post_parameter("email_address");
      $join = security\Security::get_post_parameter("join");
      $markup = new html\Input("username", "hidden", $username);
      $markup .= new html\Input("email", "hidden", $email);
      $markup .= new html\Input("join", "hidden", $join);
      return $markup;
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Reset extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $markup = new html\Div("heading", null, $GLOBALS["RESET_HEADING"]);
      $markup .= new html\Div(null, "prompt", $GLOBALS["RESET_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("username", "text");
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "action", "submit", $GLOBALS["RESET_BUTTON_TEXT"]);
      return $markup;
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;

class Login extends \entities\html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $button_text = $GLOBALS["LOGIN_BUTTON_TEXT"];
      $remember_text = $GLOBALS["REMEMBER_ME_PROMPT"];
      $markup = new html\Input("username", "text", "username", "field", true);
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "password", "password", "XZV897aa", "field", true);
      $markup .= new html\Div("remember", null, $remember_text);
      $markup .= new html\Input("remember", "checkbox", null, "remember");
      $markup .= new html\Input("action", "submit", $button_text, "button");
      return $markup;
namespace entities\evr\security\display\forms;
use entities\html as html;
use entities\evr\security as security;

class Change extends html\Form
   public function __construct()
   protected function build_content()
      $markup = new html\Div("heading", null, $GLOBALS["CHANGE_HEADING"]);
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["EXISTING_USER_NAME_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("username", "text");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["EXISTING_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("old_password", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["NEW_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= $this->build_prompt($GLOBALS["REENTER_PASSWORD_PROMPT"]);
      $markup .= new html\Input("password[]", "password");
      $markup .= new html\Input(
         "action", "submit", $GLOBALS["CHANGE_BUTTON_TEXT"]);
      return $markup;
   private function build_prompt($content, $id=null)
      return new html\Div($id, "prompt", $content);
namespace entities\security\operators;

class Activator
   public function __construct($key)
      $this->key = $key;
      $this->hashes = file($GLOBALS["HASHES_PATH"], FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
   private function verify_key()
      foreach ($this->hashes as $hash)
         if ($hash == crypt($this->key, $hash))
            echo "FOUND $this->key as $hash";
      echo "DIDN'T FIND $this->key";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "pattern.h"
#include "read.h"

char* parse_pattern(FILE* input_file, char* character)
   char* raw_pattern = read_next_line(input_file, character);
   sequence* pattern = malloc(sizeof(struct sequence));
   int* ii = malloc(sizeof(int));
   *ii = 0;
   build_sequence(pattern, raw_pattern, ii);
   print_pattern(pattern, 0);
   char* sequence_array = build_array_from_sequence(pattern);
   printf("%s\n\n", sequence_array);
   return sequence_array;

void build_sequence(sequence* sequence, char* raw_pattern, int* ii)
   int jj = 0;
   char* color_order = malloc(sizeof(char));
   while (raw_pattern[*ii])
      if (isalnum(raw_pattern[*ii]))
         if (raw_pattern[(*ii)-1] == OPEN_BRACKET || *ii == 0)
            char* number_string = extract_word_from_string(raw_pattern, ii);
            sequence->iterations = atoi(number_string);
            color_order = append_character(color_order, raw_pattern[*ii]);
      else if (raw_pattern[*ii] == CLOSE_BRACKET)
         if (strlen(color_order) > 0) sequence->sequence = color_order;
         if (raw_pattern[(*ii)+1] != CLOSE_BRACKET && raw_pattern[(*ii)+1])
            initiate_next_sequence(sequence, raw_pattern, ii);
      else if (raw_pattern[*ii] == OPEN_BRACKET)
         initiate_next_sequence(sequence, raw_pattern, ii);
   if (strlen(color_order) > 0) sequence->sequence = color_order;

void initiate_next_sequence(sequence* sequence, char* raw_pattern, int* ii)
   if (raw_pattern[(*ii)-1] == CLOSE_BRACKET)
      sequence->next = malloc(sizeof(struct sequence));
      build_sequence(sequence->next, raw_pattern, ii);
      sequence->child = malloc(sizeof(struct sequence));
      build_sequence(sequence->child, raw_pattern, ii);

char* extract_word_from_string(char* string, int* ii)
   int jj;
   char* word = malloc(sizeof(char));
   for (jj = 0; isdigit(string[*ii]); jj++)
      word[jj] = string[(*ii)++];
      word = realloc(word, sizeof(char) * (jj+2));
   word[jj] = '\0';
   return word;

char* build_array_from_sequence(sequence* sequence)
   char* sequence_array = malloc(sizeof(char));
   sequence_array = add_sequence_to_array(sequence_array, sequence);
   return sequence_array;

char* add_sequence_to_array(char* array, sequence* sequence)
   if (sequence == NULL) return;
   int ii;
   for (ii = 0; ii < sequence->iterations; ii++)
      if (sequence->sequence)
         int new_length = strlen(array) + strlen(sequence->sequence);
         array = realloc(array, sizeof(char) * (new_length+1));
         strcat(array, sequence->sequence);
         array[new_length] = '\0';
         array = add_sequence_to_array(array, sequence->child);
   array = add_sequence_to_array(array, sequence->next);
   return array;

char* append_character(char* string, char character)
   int length = strlen(string);
   string = realloc(string, sizeof(char) * (length+2));
   string[length] = character;
   string[length+1] = '\0';
   return string;

void print_pattern(sequence* sequence, int level)
   if (sequence == NULL) return;
   printf("%*d: ", level*3, sequence->iterations);
   if (sequence->sequence)
      printf("%s", sequence->sequence);
   print_pattern(sequence->child, level+1);
   print_pattern(sequence->next, level);
November 10, 2013

Food Spring - Watermelon Stage

Getting the fruit as far as possible is the object of each level, collecting bigger, more valuable guns. The final result is determined by the size of the fruits' collection when the monkey arrives in North America and either survives or perishes in the fruits' attack.

Watermelon Peach
Pineapple Grapes