from ball_cup.pgfw.GameChild import GameChild

class Levels(GameChild, list):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        GameChild.__init__(self, parent)

    def load(self):
        for line in file(self.get_resource("levels", "path")):
            fields = line.split()
            args = map(int, fields[:-1]) + [float(fields[-1])]

class Level:

    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.ball_width, self.cup_width, self.cup_speed = args

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{0} {1} {2}".format(self.ball_width, self.cup_width,
from random import randint, choice
from math import sqrt, ceil

from pygame import Surface
from pygame.draw import circle

from ball_cup.pgfw.Sprite import Sprite

class Cup(Sprite):

    up, down = -1, 1

    def __init__(self, parent):
        Sprite.__init__(self, parent)
        self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface()

    def load_configuration(self):
        config = self.get_configuration("cup")
        self.color = config["color"]
        self.margin_vertical = config["margin-vertical"]
        self.margin_right = config["margin-right"]

    def reset(self):
        level = self.parent.get_current_level()
        self.halted = False
        self.speed = level.cup_speed

    def reset_frame(self, width):
        frame = Surface((width, width))

    def set_padding(self):
        self.padding = int(ceil(self.get_radius() - self.get_half()))

    def get_radius(self):
        return sqrt(2 * self.get_half() ** 2)

    def get_half(self):
        return self.rect.w / 2.0

    def set_bounds(self):
        display_height = self.display_surface.get_height()
        margin = self.margin_vertical
        self.bounds = margin, display_height - margin

    def place_in_bounds(self):
        upper, lower = self.bounds
        half = self.rect.h / 2
        adjusted = upper + half, lower - half
        self.rect.centery = randint(*adjusted)

    def indent(self):
        self.rect.right = self.display_surface.get_rect().right - \

    def reset_direction(self):
        self.direction = choice([self.up, self.down])

    def clear(self):

    def halt(self):
        self.halted = True

    def update(self):
        if not self.halted:

    def shift(self):
        self.move(dy=self.speed * self.direction)
        overflow = self.collide_with_bounds()
        if overflow is not None:
            self.move(dy=overflow * 2 * self.direction)

    def collide_with_bounds(self):
        rect = self.rect
        upper, lower = self.bounds
        if <= upper:
            return upper -
        elif rect.bottom >= lower:
            return rect.bottom - lower

    def change_direction(self):
        direction = self.direction
        if direction == self.up:
            direction = self.down
            direction = self.up
        self.direction = direction
from pygame import Surface, Rect

from ball_cup.pgfw.Sprite import Sprite
from ball_cup.field.ball.Charge import Charge

class Ball(Sprite):

    forward, backward = 1, -1

    def __init__(self, parent):
        Sprite.__init__(self, parent)
        self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface()
        self.charge = Charge(self)

    def load_configuration(self):
        config = self.get_configuration("ball")
        self.color = config["color"]
        self.margin = config["margin"]
        self.base_deceleration = config["base-deceleration"]
        self.base_velocity_range = config["base-velocity-range"]

    def set_minimum_size(self):
        levels = self.parent.levels
        minimum = levels[0].ball_width
        for level in levels[1:]:
            if level.ball_width < minimum:
                minimum = level.ball_width
        self.minimum_size = minimum

    def reset(self):
        self.traveling = False
        self.sent = False
        self.direction = self.forward
        level = self.parent.get_current_level()

    def set_motion_parameters(self):
        base = self.base_velocity_range
        ratio = self.rect.w / float(self.minimum_size)
        self.velocity_range = ratio * base[0], ratio * base[1]
        self.deceleration = ratio * self.base_deceleration

    def reset_frame(self, width):
        frame = Surface((width, width))

    def place(self):
        rect = self.rect
        relative = self.display_surface.get_rect()
        rect.centery = relative.centery
        rect.left = relative.left + self.margin

    def send(self):
        self.traveling = True

    def set_velocity(self):
        strength = self.charge.strength
        lower, upper = self.velocity_range
        self.velocity = strength * (upper - lower) + lower

    def clear(self):

    def update(self):
        if not self.traveling and not self.sent:
        elif self.traveling:

    def shift(self):
        self.move(self.velocity * self.direction)
        if self.rect.right >= self.display_surface.get_rect().right:
            self.direction = self.backward
            self.move(self.display_surface.get_rect().right - self.rect.right)
        if self.rect.right < 0:
            self.velocity = 0
        if self.velocity <= 1:
            self.traveling = False
            self.sent = True

    def decelerate(self):
        self.velocity = max(0, self.velocity - self.deceleration)

    def collide_with_cup(self):
        rect = self.rect
        relative = self.parent.cup.rect
        if rect.colliderect(relative):
            clip = rect.clip(relative)
            section = Rect((clip.x - rect.x, clip.y - rect.y), clip.size)
            self.get_current_frame().fill((255, 255, 255), section)
March 3, 2021

Video 📺

Computers are a gun. They can see the target; they can pull the trigger. Computers were made by the military to blow people's brains out if they stepped out of line. Google Coral is the same technology that pollutes the oceans, and so is the computer I'm using, and so are the platforms I'm using to post this.

Game 🎲

Games are a context in which all play is purposeful. Games expose the fundamentally nihilistic nature of the universe and futility of pursuing any path other than the inevitability of death and the torture of an evil that knows and exploits absolute freedom. Games are not educational; they are education.

Propaganda 🆒

Education is propaganda — ego driven by-product conveying nothing that would enable us to expose that vanities made for gain subject us further to an illusion created by those in control: the illusion that quantity can represent substance and that data or observation can replace meaning. And why say it, or how, without contradicting yourself, that everything, once registered, no longer exists, and in fact never did, exists only in relation to other non-existent things, and when you look, it's not there, not only because it's long vanished, but because where would it be?

fig. 2: Gamer goo is a lubricant — not for your skin, but for facilitating your ability to own the competition (image from Gamer goo review)

As a result of video games, the great Trojan horse 🎠 of imperialist consumerist representationalism, people are divided in halves to encourage them to act according to market ordained impulses, to feign assurance, penetrating themselves deeper into a tyranny from which every action signals allegiance, confusing the world with definitions and borders, constantly struggling to balance or brace themselves against forces that threaten the crumbling stability of their ego.


or example, a cup 🥃 is designed and built to hold something, maintain order and prevent chaos. It keeps water from spilling back to where it belongs, back where it wants to go and gravity wants it to go. The cup is a trap, and it is used to assert dominance over nature, to fill with thoughts about existence, time and self, thoughts regarding dissimilarity between equal parts and patterns that manifest in variation. These ruminations disguised as revelations boil away to reveal isolated and self-aggrandizing thoughts about an analogy fabricated to herald the profundity of one's campaign's propaganda. You have no authentic impulse except to feed a delusion of ultimate and final supremacy. That is why you play games. That is your nature. That is why you eventually smash the cup to bits 💥 or otherwise watch it disintegrate forever because it, by being useful, threatens your facade of ownership and control.

fig. 3: worth1000

The cup is you; it reflects you; it is a lens through which you see yourself; it reassures you, confirming your presence; it says something, being something you can observe. When you move, it moves, and it opens after being closed. You can use it as a vessel for penetration fantasies, keeping you warm and fertile, a fine host for the plague of consciousness, you reptile, you sun scorched transgressor that not only bites the hand that feeds, but buries it deep within a sterile chamber where nothing remains for it as a means of escape except the corpses of others that infringed upon your feeding frenzy.