from pygame import display
from pygame.font import Font
from pygame.time import get_ticks, wait

from GameChild import GameChild

class Mainloop(GameChild):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        GameChild.__init__(self, parent)
        self.overflow = 0
        self.frame_count = 1
        self.actual_frame_duration = 0
        self.frames_this_second = 0
        self.last_framerate_display = 0
        self.last_ticks = get_ticks()
        self.stopping = False

    def load_configuration(self):
        config = self.get_configuration("display")
        self.target_frame_duration = config["frame-duration"]
        self.wait_duration = config["wait-duration"]
        self.skip_frames = config["skip-frames"]
        self.show_framerate = config["show-framerate"]
        self.framerate_text_size = config["framerate-text-size"]
        self.framerate_text_color = config["framerate-text-color"]
        self.framerate_text_background = config["framerate-text-background"]
        self.framerate_display_flag = config["framerate-display-flag"]

    def init_framerate_display(self):
        if self.framerate_display_active():
            screen = self.get_screen()
            self.last_framerate_count = 0
            self.framerate_topright = screen.get_rect().topright
            self.display_surface = screen
            self.font = Font(None, self.framerate_text_size)

    def framerate_display_active(self):
        return self.check_command_line(self.framerate_display_flag) or \

    def render_framerate(self):
        text = self.font.render(str(self.last_framerate_count), False,
        rect = text.get_rect()
        rect.topright = self.framerate_topright
        self.framerate_text = text
        self.framerate_text_rect = rect

    def run(self):
        while not self.stopping:
        self.stopping = False

    def advance_frame(self):
        refresh = False
        while self.frame_count > 0:
            refresh = True
            if self.framerate_display_active():
            self.frame_count -= 1
            if not self.skip_frames:
        if refresh:

    def update_frame_duration(self):
        last_ticks = self.last_ticks
        actual_frame_duration = get_ticks() - last_ticks
        last_ticks = get_ticks()
        while actual_frame_duration < self.target_frame_duration:
            actual_frame_duration += get_ticks() - last_ticks
            last_ticks = get_ticks()
        self.actual_frame_duration = actual_frame_duration
        self.last_ticks = last_ticks

    def update_overflow(self):
        self.frame_count = 1
        target_frame_duration = self.target_frame_duration
        overflow = self.overflow
        overflow += self.actual_frame_duration - target_frame_duration
        while overflow > target_frame_duration:
            self.frame_count += 1
            overflow -= target_frame_duration
        overflow = self.overflow

    def update_framerate(self):
        count = self.frames_this_second + 1
        if get_ticks() - self.last_framerate_display > 1000:
            if count != self.last_framerate_count:
                self.last_framerate_count = count
            self.last_framerate_display = get_ticks()
            count = 0
        self.display_surface.blit(self.framerate_text, self.framerate_text_rect)
        self.frames_this_second = count

    def stop(self):
        self.stopping = True
from os import makedirs
from os.path import exists, join
from sys import exc_info
from time import strftime

from pygame import image

from GameChild import *
from Input import *

class ScreenGrabber(GameChild):

    def __init__(self, game):
        GameChild.__init__(self, game)
        self.delegate = self.get_delegate()

    def load_configuration(self):
        config = self.get_configuration("screen-captures")
        self.save_path = config["path"]
        self.file_name_format = config["file-name-format"]
        self.file_extension = config["file-extension"]

    def save_display(self, event):
        if, "capture-screen"):
            directory = self.save_path
                if not exists(directory):
                name = self.build_name()
                path = join(directory, name)
                capture =, path)
                self.print_debug("Saved screen capture to %s" % (path))
                self.print_debug("Couldn't save screen capture to %s, %s" %\
                                 (directory, exc_info()[1]))

    def build_name(self):
        return "{0}.{1}".format(strftime(self.file_name_format),
from random import randint
from math import sin, cos, atan2, radians, sqrt

from pygame import Surface, PixelArray, Color
from pygame.mixer import get_num_channels, Channel
from pygame.locals import *

def get_step(start, end, speed):
    angle = get_angle(start, end)
    return speed * sin(angle), speed * cos(angle)

def get_angle(start, end):
    return atan2(end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1])

def get_endpoint(start, angle, magnitude):
    """clockwise, 0 is up"""
    x0, y0 = start
    dx, dy = get_delta(angle, magnitude)
    return x0 + dx, y0 + dy

def get_delta(angle, magnitude):
    angle = radians(angle)
    return sin(angle) * magnitude, -cos(angle) * magnitude

def rotate_2d(point, center, angle, translate_angle=True):
    if translate_angle:
        angle = radians(angle)
    x, y = point
    cx, cy = center
    return cos(angle) * (x - cx) - sin(angle) * (y - cy) + cx, \
           sin(angle) * (x - cx) + cos(angle) * (y - cy) + cy

def get_points_on_circle(center, radius, count, offset=0):
    angle_step = 360.0 / count
    points = []
    current_angle = 0
    for _ in xrange(count):
        points.append(get_point_on_circle(center, radius,
                                          current_angle + offset))
        current_angle += angle_step
    return points

def get_point_on_circle(center, radius, angle, translate_angle=True):
    if translate_angle:
        angle = radians(angle)
    return center[0] + sin(angle) * radius, center[1] - cos(angle) * radius

def get_range_steps(start, end, count):
    for ii in xrange(count):
        yield start + (end - start) * ii / float(count - 1)

def get_distance(p0, p1):
    return sqrt((p0[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (p0[1] - p1[1]) ** 2)

def place_in_rect(rect, incoming, contain=True, *args):
    while True: = randint(0, rect.w), randint(0, rect.h)
        if not contain or rect.contains(incoming):
            collides = False
            for inner in args:
                if inner.colliderect(incoming):
                    collides = True
            if not collides:

# from
def get_intersection(p0, p1, p2, p3):
    x0, y0 = p0
    x1, y1 = p1
    x2, y2 = p2
    x3, y3 = p3
    a0 = y1 - y0
    b0 = x0 - x1
    c0 = x1 * y0 - x0 * y1
    r2 = a0 * x2 + b0 * y2 + c0
    r3 = a0 * x3 + b0 * y3 + c0
    if r2 != 0 and r3 != 0 and r2 * r3 > 0:
        return None
    a1 = y3 - y2
    b1 = x2 - x3
    c1 = x3 * y2 - x2 * y3
    r0 = a1 * x0 + b1 * y0 + c1
    r1 = a1 * x1 + b1 * y1 + c1
    if r0 != 0 and r1 != 0 and r0 * r1 > 0:
        return None
    denominator = a0 * b1 - a1 * b0
    if denominator == 0:
        return (x0 + x1 + x2 + x3) / 4, (y0 + y1 + y2 + y3) / 4
    if denominator < 0:
        offset = -denominator / 2
        offset = denominator / 2
    numerator = b0 * c1 - b1 * c0
    x = ((-1, 1)[numerator < 0] * offset + numerator) / denominator
    numerator = a1 * c0 - a0 * c1
    y = ((-1, 1)[numerator < 0] * offset + numerator) / denominator
    return x, y

def collide_line_with_rect(rect, p0, p1):
    for line in ((rect.topleft, rect.topright),
                 (rect.topright, rect.bottomright),
                 (rect.bottomright, rect.bottomleft),
                 (rect.bottomleft, rect.topleft)):
        if get_intersection(p0, p1, *line):
            return True

def render_box(font, text, antialias, color, background=None, border=None,
               border_width=1, padding=0):
    surface = font.render(text, antialias, color, background)
    if padding:
        if isinstance(padding, int):
            padding = [padding] * 2
        padding = [x * 2 for x in padding]
        rect = surface.get_rect()
        padded_surface = Surface(rect.inflate(padding).size, SRCALPHA)
        if background is not None:
            padded_surface.fill(background) = padded_surface.get_rect().center
        padded_surface.blit(surface, rect)
        surface = padded_surface
    if border is not None:
        if isinstance(border_width, int):
            border_width = [border_width] * 2
        border_width = [x * 2 for x in border_width]
        rect = surface.get_rect()
        bordered_surface = Surface(rect.inflate(border_width).size)
        bordered_surface.fill(border) = bordered_surface.get_rect().center
        bordered_surface.blit(surface, rect)
        surface = bordered_surface
    return surface

def get_color_swapped_surface(surface, current, replacement):
    swapped = surface.copy()
    pixels = PixelArray(swapped)
    pixels.replace(current, replacement)
    del pixels
    return swapped

def get_busy_channel_count():
    count = 0
    for index in xrange(get_num_channels()):
        count += Channel(index).get_busy()
    return count

def get_hue_shifted_surface(base, offset):
    surface = base.copy()
    pixels = PixelArray(surface)
    color = Color(0, 0, 0)
    for x in xrange(surface.get_width()):
        for y in xrange(surface.get_height()):
            h, s, l, a = Color(*surface.unmap_rgb(pixels[x][y])).hsla
            if a:
                color.hsla = (h + offset) % 360, s, l, a
                pixels[x][y] = color
    del pixels
    return surface

def fill_tile(surface, tile):
    for x in xrange(0, surface.get_width(), tile.get_width()):
        for y in xrange(0, surface.get_height(), tile.get_height()):
            surface.blit(tile, (x, y))

def get_shadowed_text(text, font, offset, color, antialias=True, shadow_color=(0, 0, 0),
                      colorkey=(255, 0, 255)):
    foreground = font.render(text, antialias, color)
    background = font.render(text, antialias, shadow_color)
    alpha = SRCALPHA if antialias else 0
    surface = Surface((foreground.get_width() + offset[0],
                       foreground.get_height() + offset[1]), alpha)
    if not antialias:
    surface.blit(background, ((abs(offset[0]) + offset[0]) / 2,
                              (abs(offset[1]) + offset[1]) / 2))
    surface.blit(foreground, ((abs(offset[0]) - offset[0]) / 2,
                              (abs(offset[1]) - offset[1]) / 2))
    return surface

def get_hsla_color(hue, saturation=100, lightness=50, alpha=100):
    color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
    color.hsla = hue, saturation, lightness, alpha
    return color
June 23, 2019

is pikachu dead

yes and how about that for a brain tickler that what you're seeing all along was a ghost. we used a digital stream of bits that in the future we call blood to recreate everything as a malleable substance that is projected through computers over a massive interstellar network that runs faster than the speed of light in order to simultaneously exist at every moment in time exactly the same way effectively creating a new dimension through which you can experience the timeless joy of video games. you can press a button and watch the impact of your actions instantaneously resonate eternally across an infinite landscape as you the master of a constantly regenerating universe supplant your reality with your imagination giving profoundly new meaning to the phrase what goes around comes around as what comes around is the manifestation of the thoughts you had before you were aware of them. thoughts before they were thought and actions before they were done! it's so revolutionary we saved it for 10,000 years from now but it's all recycled here in the past with you at the helm and the future at the tips of your fingers