from math import tan, radians

from pygame import Surface
from pygame.draw import line

from lib.pgfw.pgfw.GameChild import GameChild

class Mask(GameChild, Surface):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        GameChild.__init__(self, parent)
        self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface()

    def load_configuration(self):
        config = self.get_configuration("land")
        self.height = config["height"]
        self.spacing_factor = config["spacing-factor"]
        self.gradient = config["gradient"]
        self.x_step = config["x-step"]
        self.velocity_ratio = config["velocity-ratio"]

    def init_surface(self):
        Surface.__init__(self, (self.get_display_surface().get_width(),

    def set_background(self):
        background = Surface(self.get_size())
        background.fill((0, 0, 0))
        self.background = background

    def reset(self):
        self.x_offset = 0

    def update(self):

    def clear(self):
        self.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

    def draw_y(self):
        yy = 0
        ii = 0
        rect = self.get_rect()
        while yy < rect.bottom:
            line(self, (255, 255, 255), (0, yy), (rect.right, yy))
            yy += int(self.spacing_factor ** ii)
            ii += 1

    def draw_x(self):
        gradient = self.gradient
        step = self.x_step
        rect = self.get_rect()
        edge = rect.right
        xx = int(self.x_offset) + step
        adjacent = rect.h
        while xx < edge:
            angle = (edge - float(xx)) / edge * 2 * gradient + (90 - gradient)
            opposite = int(tan(radians(90 - angle)) * adjacent)
            line(self, (255, 255, 255), (xx, 0),
                 (xx + opposite, adjacent))
            xx += step

    def decrement_x_offset(self):
        self.x_offset -= self.parent.parent.velocity[0] * self.velocity_ratio
        if self.x_offset <= -self.x_step:
            self.x_offset += self.x_step
from random import randrange, randint
from os.path import join

from pygame import PixelArray

from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Sprite import Sprite
from food_spring.level.planet.moon.Moons import Moons

class Planet(Sprite):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        Sprite.__init__(self, parent)
        self.register(self.scramble, interval=self.interval)
        self.moons = Moons(self)

    def load_configuration(self):
        config = self.get_configuration("planet")
        self.root = config["path"]
        self.interval = config["interval"]
        self.shifts = config["shifts"]
        self.offset = config["offset"]
        self.extension = config["extension"]

    def load_image(self):
        path = self.get_resource(join(self.root, "%i.%s" % (self.parent.index,
        self.load_from_path(path, True)

    def place(self): = self.display_surface.get_width() / 2, \
                  - self.offset

    def scramble(self):
        surface = self.get_current_frame()
        pixels = PixelArray(surface)
        width, height = self.location.size
        x = randrange(0, width)
        y = randrange(0, height)
        components = surface.unmap_rgb(pixels[x][y])
        if components[3] == 255:
            for _ in xrange(self.shifts):
                dx, dy = randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1)
                nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
                if nx < 0 or ny < 0 or nx >= width or ny >= height:
                if surface.unmap_rgb(pixels[nx][ny])[3] == 255:
                    pixels[nx][ny] = components
                    x = nx
                    y = ny
        del pixels

    def update(self):
from random import randint

from lib.pgfw.pgfw.GameChild import GameChild
from food_spring.level.planet.moon.Moon import Moon

class Moons(GameChild, list):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        GameChild.__init__(self, parent)
        for _ in xrange(randint(*self.get_configuration("moon", "count"))):

    def update(self):
        for moon in self:
from random import randint, randrange
from glob import glob
from os.path import join

from pygame import Color, PixelArray

from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Sprite import Sprite

class Moon(Sprite):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        Sprite.__init__(self, parent)
        self.frame_index = randrange(0, len(self.frames))

    def load_configuration(self):
        config = self.get_configuration("moon")
        self.tint_level = config["tint-level"]
        self.interval = config["interval"]
        self.margin = config["margin"]
        self.path = self.get_resource(config["path"])

    def set_frames(self):
        for path in glob(join(self.path, "*.png")):
            self.load_from_path(path, True, True)

    def tint(self):
        color = Color(0, 0, 0)
        color.hsla = randint(0, 360), 100, 50
        level = self.tint_level
        transparent_color = self.get_current_frame().get_colorkey()
        for frame in self.frames:
            pixels = PixelArray(frame)
            for x in xrange(len(pixels)):
                for y in xrange(len(pixels[x])):
                    if pixels[x][y] != transparent_color:
                        r, g, b, a = frame.unmap_rgb(pixels[x][y])
                        r = self.tint_component(r, color.r)
                        g = self.tint_component(g, color.g)
                        b = self.tint_component(b, color.b)
                        pixels[x][y] = r, g, b, a

    def tint_component(self, component, tint):
        return self.tint_level * (tint - component) + component

    def place(self):
        margin = self.margin
        box = self.parent.parent.location.inflate([margin] * 2)
        moons = [moon.location.inflate([margin] * 2) for moon in self.parent]
        location = self.location
        while location.colliderect(box) or location.collidelist(moons) != -1:

    def set_center(self):
        display = self.display_surface.get_rect()
        margin = self.margin
        x = randrange(margin, display.w - margin)
        y = randrange(margin, - margin) = x, y
May 17, 2018

Line Wobbler Advance is a demake of Line Wobbler for Game Boy Advance that started as a demo for Synchrony. It contains remakes of the original Line Wobbler levels and adds a challenging advance mode with levels made by various designers.

f1. Wobble at home or on-the-go with Line Wobbler Advance

This project was originally meant to be a port of Line Wobbler and kind of a joke (demaking a game made for even lower level hardware), but once the original levels were complete, a few elements were added, including a timer, different line styles and new core mechanics, such as reactive A.I.

f2. Notes on Line Wobbler

I reverse engineered the game by mapping the LED strip on paper and taking notes on each level. Many elements of the game are perfectly translated, such as enemy and lava positions and speeds and the sizes of the streams. The boss spawns enemies at precisely the same rate in both versions. Thanks in part to this effort, Line Wobbler Advance was awarded first prize in the Wild category at Synchrony.

f3. First prize at Synchrony

Advance mode is a series of levels by different designers implementing their visions of the Line Wobbler universe. This is the part of the game that got the most attention. It turned into a twitchy gauntlet filled with variations on the core mechanics, cinematic interludes and new elements, such as enemies that react to the character's movements. Most of the levels are much harder than the originals and require a lot of retries.

Thanks Robin Baumgarten for giving permission to make custom levels and share this project, and thanks to the advance mode designers Prashast Thapan, Charles Huang, John Rhee, Lillyan Ling, GJ Lee, Emily Koonce, Yuxin Gao, Brian Chung, Paloma Dawkins, Gus Boehling, Dennis Carr, Shuichi Aizawa, Blake Andrews and mushbuh!

You will need an emulator to play. Try Mednafen (Windows/Linux) or Boycott Advance (OS X)